HAIR is home to five fabulous hairstylists. Each is independent and sets his or her own schedule and prices. Haircuts are $65 and up. Please contact one of our stylists directly to discuss your hair needs and to set up an appointment.
Tom Cushing 510 501 3281
Tuesday Thursday Friday Sunday
Antoinnette Lyons 510 406 0937
Flexible schedule
Irene Sullenberger 510 910 4307
Monday Wednesday Friday
Amy Tran 510 253 9512
Thursday Friday
Sara Cushing 510 501 7587
Tuesday Saturday Sunday
HAIR originally opened its doors as Paulsen's Beauty Shop in 1924. Mr. and Mrs. Paulsen ran the salon and Mr. Paulsen later had a barbershop across the street, now home to Today's Rave. In 1974, Brita Jonsson and Joyce Wolfe bought Paulsen's and changed its name to HAIR, where Mrs. Paulsen continued to work for several more years.
It is an honor and a privilege to have played a stedfast role in this community and in the lives of each and every person who has graced our doors over the years. Whether you are a longstanding client or a once in a while one, we thank you for choosing us and trusting us with your hair. We are here simply because we LOVE what we do.